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Nanomaterials Sector and innovation of Rearranged Monoatomic Transition Elements
Nanomaterials represent a constantly evolving research field that explores the properties and characteristics of materials at the nanometric scale. When reduced to nanometric dimensions, these materials can exhibit unique properties compared to their macroscopic counterparts.
The size scale of nanomaterials is in the order of nanometers. At this scale, the laws of traditional physics often give way to different dynamics and interesting phenomena. A distinctive feature of nanomaterials is their high specific surface area, which can significantly influence the chemical, physical, and electrical properties of the materials themselves.
Within the world of nanomaterials, extraordinary opportunities arise to exploit these unique properties. One of the most important characteristics of nanomaterials is their ability to host electrons ready for rearrangement. This means that the electrons within the nanomaterials can move and realign in response to external stimuli, paving the way for new interactive approaches in both the energy and medical fields.
Our experience, developed since 2013, has enabled us to identify specific methods for the extraction of nanomaterials and the formulation of metal hydrides, both in aqueous form and in dry powder form. These are essentially Transition Elements belonging to the Platinum group in the Quantum state, properly engineered for high-density energy storage and biocellular applications. The materials discussed here consist of essentially pure superfluid elements of the Platinum group, characterized by an orbital rearrangement of electrons involving all "d," "s," and especially the free "p" orbitals, a feature that gives the elements a series of unique electronic, magnetic, and physical properties.
Aqueous solutions represent mixtures in which the nanomaterials are dispersed in water, while powder formulations represent a dry form without water of crystallization. These solutions can be used for the production of stable nanoparticles in suspension or the preparation of solutions containing nanomaterials for specific applications. Singulate formulations represent nanomaterials consisting of single atoms or clusters of a transition metal on a nanometric scale. These plasma-character singulates can offer unique properties favored by the nature of the transition metals, making them valuable for a wide range of applications in the scientific, technological, and industrial fields.
Currently, BLULAB aims to develop ultra-compact devices capable of executing the extraction of inorganic nanomaterials in a programmed and automated manner at room temperature. Thanks to the acquired expertise, we are able to provide high-engineering devices for extraction as well as careful consultancy on possible formulations applicable to each need.